piątek, 28 grudnia 2012


Let's start with the biggest surprise.
A present from my German sis is.....

GACKT official calendar!
2013 is going to be awesome with such calendar.
My biggest idol will watch over me all year :3
Thank you so much^^

Little angel from my friend also arrived today.
She sends me angel every year since we know each other.
Already four years as you see.

Sometimes I think that I do not deserve such friends....

Present from my mom.
At least part of it. 
The rest is still on its way :3

Fur bag :3

Feather pen

1 komentarz:

  1. Urocze te aniołki! Gdzieś też powinnam takiego mieć, z okresu, w którym zbierałam różne anioły :)
    Dobrze mieć takich przyjaciół i rodzinę ^^
