Lately we could see the Galileo program
about visual kei in Polish tv.
It was made in 2009 in Germany.
I would like to share some thoughts about it.
I was really happy and shocked to see vk
in Polish tv and in fact I think that some people
have exaggerated with negative opinions about it,
but of course that this program was not perfect....
The first thing is that this program was not just about visual kei,
but it was mostly about visu.
Their aim was not to present vk history, its diversity, but they
wanted to show the subculture.
They said only a few sentence about the history.
But just a shame that they did not mention
something more important or at least true....
First wave of vk had its root in glam rock
not in a rebellion against society.
Such theories are annoying.
Of course that some people can perceive it as a form of rebellion
and we can show it as one of the cause of spreading vk,
but do not exaggerate with it.
Some other errors and general notes:
♥ they translated kei as an origin.
In fact kei means style or system and
it is used to describe different waves
in fashion, music or generally in culture or life.
♥ why they were showing An Cafe all at the time?
they should show band of different styles
♥ polish translation...
they badly translated convention...
and they wear saying lolitaS all the time.
In German by s you can make plural
but speaking lolitas in polish makes it sound funny.
Polish has its own way of making plural....
♥ Lolitas can not have their own cosplay,
because loli is not a cosplay !!!
But plus that they called lolitas as nice guests
in vk world, but not as a definite part of it.
Of course that lolis were connected with vk in its origin
(specially Gothic ones and let's remember
about the theory that first lolis were Nagomu gals),
and still many lolis like vk, but it is bot a rule.
Some lolis are not interested in vk or even in Japan at all.
♥ calling a dance of fans during concerts
as para para is not true....
♥ I have to say it:
one girl had a badge with Versailles
yees seeing it in my own tv was priceless XD
Now one more important thing.
Some people were interested how they came with
this word visu.
We do not use it all.
I asked my German sis about it.
All quotes used by permission^^
Word visu is really used in German.
People who are not interested in vk
can use it for all fans,
but among fans it is used in a little negative meaning.
call some other fans of vk 'visus' because it's meant in a more badly way.
For me a typicall german 'Visu' would be
(and sry for all these prejudices, but they are very true over here...)
a mostly fat (of course there are also normal and thinn) girl
with no sense of style or what she should wear,
tries to wear typicall vk cloth or what they idols wear,
instead of normal cloth and have terrible make up
and no sense for anything that is important in their real life.
And truly they try to be very cool,
but are such kids and just life for they fandom (Kinda life-escape).
Of course there are guys, too and girls that don't fit in that shape...
But 98% of the scene are girls like I described.
Otherwise I would call them just fans and show them more respect for them and their interest.
So that means that visu is used
for some extremely fangirling types
who have no life except vk
and wear vk clothes, because they want to look like their idols.
Sis told me her interesting
1. there are normal fans, who look normally, nice, maybe coord bandshirts on concerts2. There are visus, who dress up themselves,
mostly in a very bad way, try to be fangirlish, but they don't harm anyone
3. there are visualer (strnger form of visu xD) who are very loud,
annyoung, even worse dressed and think they are the top of the fans-world
4. Visualisten (most strong world we invented in German xD)
whoeven top the visualer with their kind of behaviour and dressing up.
Look at it with a wink of course.
Generally I do not like any categorization,
because in this way you can harm somebody,
but it just shows some tendencies.
I remember that I read an academic article
written by a Japanese teacher from German uni
who made a research among vk fans in Germany.
Results were quite similar.
zawsze jak widze jakies wzmianki o programach o VK mam sceptyczne do nich podejś jak zwykle zrobią jakieś rażące błędy (chociazby jak w tej gazetce jmusic gdzie nazwali DEGa visualem a sam Visual Kei "wizualnym Kluczem" i muzyką) jednakowoż taki program w naszej telewizji to naprawde szok. Gdzie dokładnie go widziałaś i czy mozna to gdzies na necie z tym naszym polskim tłumaczeniem zobaczyć?
OdpowiedzUsuńswoja drogą ....jak widać nie tylko w naszym fandomie dziwne osoby się znajdują.
No cóż z tymi błędami to niestety standart, kiedy zaczną pisac o tym ludzie, którzy się kompletnie nie znają... ale generalnie nie jestem zwolennikiem skrajnej elitarności i zawsze cieszy mnie informacja na temat czegoś co lubię w szeroko dostępnych mediach (sama zresztą napisałam artykuł o vk na jedną kulturową stronę internetową).
OdpowiedzUsuńNo ale widok vk w tv był naprawdę szokiem.
Był do program z serii Galileo na TV4. Na Internecie niestety widziałam go jedynie po niemiecku.
Zawsze mi się wydawało, że vk wywodzi się z glam rocka. Miło mi zobaczyć potwierdzenie tego ^^
OdpowiedzUsuńJeśli ktoś wie, co to glam rock i choć trochę ogarnia vk, to podobieństwa są oczywiste..
Niestety takie programy robią ludzie, którzy nie są pasjonatami ani znawcami ;/
Rozumiem twoją irytację bo jako emo też sporo się muszę nacierpieć...ech.
Vk miał dwie fale- pierwsza nawiązywała do glam rocka, zaś druga była bardziej nowatorska i wykorzystywała elementy gotyckie. Jakbyś chciała coś więcej to pisałam o tym tutaj choć to skrócona wersja pierwotnego artykułu.
OdpowiedzUsuńTo już normalne zjawisko. Cokolwiek nieco różni się od reszty musi być zaraz zaszufladkowane w stereotypy. Czy to vk, czy loli czy emo.
Z chęcią sprawdzę Twój artykuł. Uwielbiam wszelkie tematy dotykające mniej lub bardziej mrocznych subkultur, więc z chęcią się dowiem więcej o vk :)