wtorek, 1 marca 2011


After seeing my photos with my dog Cosplay wig USA said that they had association with the story called "The lady with the dog" by Anton Chekhov. So I decided to read it. It's quite short. You can read it here

It's just a love story story and main characters comes from Russian aristocracy. He is above 40. She is rather young. They are both married. It seems to be too late for them to fell in love. 
Loneliness connected with nostalgia. 
Sadness which is a normal part of days and makes happiness seems like a sin. 
it was as though they were a pair of birds of passage, caught and forced to live in different cages
And afterwards he met her in the public gardens and in the square several times a day. She was walking alone, always wearing the same béret, and always with the same white dog; no one knew who she was, and every one called her simply "the lady with the dog."

As he got into bed he thought how lately she had been a girl at school, doing lessons like his own daughter; he recalled the diffidence, the angularity, that was still manifest in her laugh and her manner of talking with a stranger. This must have been the first time in her life she had been alone in surroundings in which she was followed, looked at, and spoken to merely from a secret motive which she could hardly fail to guess. He recalled her slender, delicate neck, her lovely grey eyes.
"There's something pathetic about her, anyway," he thought, and fell asleep.

The solitary candle burning on the table threw a faint light on her face, yet it was clear that she was
very unhappy.

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